Lucchesi Nel Mondo Newsletter
Maria Vezzetri Matson, con grande entusiasmo, vuole condividere con noi le sue piacevoli impressioni durante la sua prima partecipazione nella Processione di Santa Croce ed esprimere con orgoglio la sua discendenza da famiglia lucchese e di essere nuovo membro dei Lucchesi nel Mondo di San Francisco. Maria, tutta I 'associazione, con piacere, che ti da il benvenuto nella nostra grande famiglia lucchese Il Direlfivo.
Maria Vezzettí Matson
Granddaughïer and Author of Gelsomína’s Story of Caesar Lucchesi
“You must join the San Francisco chapter and walk with
them on September 13,” was the invitation I heard. It was my
first visit to Lucca and I was fortunate to have an opportunity
to meet President Alessando Pesi of the Associzmzione Lucchesi Nel Mondo.
Lucky me-I did join the association and I did return to Lucca on September 13 for the event.
Now as one of the newest members of the San Francisco chapter I am happy to share some of my impressions of the time honored Processione della luminara di Santa Croce 2011.
First off, we were blessed with a warm, pleasant evening; no rain and some moonlight. I had the pleasure of meeting Isa Bianchi, the Quilici family and Mr. Mrs. Silvestri at the dinner held at the Villa Bottini. It was very impressive to see the international city banners lined along the sides of the building waiting for representatives to claim their chapter banner and proceed to the Basilica of San Frediano.
The procession began around 8 PM and it was 9:30 PM when the Quilicí brothers lifted the San Francisco banner and began to move. At 11 PM we rounded the corner and viewed the lights of San Martino.
The processions route has been the same for centuries. . .our goal was in sight, Cathedral of San Martino. With mixed emotions I entered the building to behold “il Volto Santo.” Adorned with gold and gems for the special festival, the cedar cross was spectacular. What a moment!
l am still humbled by the overall experience and proud of my heritage. I commend the people that keep this wonderful tradition alive. It was an amazing evening in a beautiful city that I am thrilled to say I am part of. I do not know if my Lucchesi grandparents (Vecoli/Ruota) ever participated in the Luminaria di Santa Croce in their youth, but I do know in my heart that they were with me in spirit that evening of September 13, 2011.